Information and Story Gathering
We need your help! We know that you love Pepperell, and we want to be sure that your voice is heard as we develop ideas and plans for the future of our community. This short survey will introduce you to our process and give us input about how we can make our town even better. It should take approximately 5 minutes! Whether you’ve lived here for a few months, a few years, or your entire life, we want to hear from you!
We need some basic demographic information to be sure we are hearing from a broad range of people who live in Pepperell. Please also share the survey with your connections on social media or e-mail so we can reach a broad range of people.
All information is confidential and will not be connected in any way to your individual responses or your contact information. Please be honest and give us as many details as you’re comfortable providing.
Every town has a heart and soul that reflects what residents love about their community and why they choose to live there.