Every town has a heart and soul that reflects what residents love about their community and why they choose to live there.
Community Heart & Soul is a resident driven process that engages the entire population of a town in identifying what they love most about their community, what future they want for it, and how to achieve it.
Founded by Lyman Orton, Proprietor, The Vermont Country Store & developed and field-tested over a decade in partnership with over 90 small cities and towns across the United States, Community Heart & Soul is a proven process for engaging a community in shaping its future.
Based on three powerful principles – involve everyone, focus on what matters most, and play the long game – Community Heart & Soul helps towns move toward a brighter, more prosperous future by bringing community residents closer together.
When residents get closer, differences fade and the things they care most about replace the differences. Trust is built and residents become stronger believers in their communities and more collaborative in their decision-making. People continue to stay in their communities, new people move in, and investment in towns increases.
Community Heart & Soul is unique in how it engages residents. It is a highly inclusive process that reaches deep into communities to ensure all voices are represented in determining a town’s future. Instead of bringing residents to the table, Community Heart & Soul brings the table to residents at community events, neighborhood block parties, schools, businesses, and virtual gatherings.
Social & Economic Benefits
Heart & Soul communities experience a range of social and economic benefits:
Pride and confidence grow in the town
Civility and respect increase
Residents feel more connected to one another
Volunteerism increases
New young leaders emerge
More residents run for local office
Economic conditions improve
Investment in the town increases
New local businesses open
Town officials gain a deeper understanding of what matters to residents
Towns are better prepared to respond to emergency situations
Residents of Winchendon, Massachusetts are bridging divides to find what matters most to their community using their recently awarded Community Heart & Soul Seed Grant. With leadership from HEAL Winchendon, a community-based coalition, resident and youth leaders are promoting inclusive community engagement. Learn how they brought together town leaders, the school district, the local hospital and health network, as well as local youth, residents and non-profits.
“One of the differences we’ve seen with the Seed Grant so far, is a shift in outlook about our community. Winchendon has typically been defined by its problems and just getting folks together on these core teams and sub teams has already changed the outlook from one of problems to one of possibilities. We’ve also empowered a lot of residents to not just talk about their hopes and dreams for the town but also to take action.” —Miranda Jennings, Project Manager, Community Heart & Soul, Winchendon, MA
Volunteering is personally rewarding! Heart & Soul team members from across the country share what they value about the Heart & Soul process and what they’ve personally gained from being involved.
“You learn to listen with Community Heart & Soul. I think that is the biggest thing that changed me is learning to listen. Learning to listen sincerely is so important because people have a story and they want to tell you that, but they also have ideas about what they want their town to be. That is really what it is all about.” --Chris Johnson, Bucksport, Maine
“It has given me the opportunity to meet new people, to form some new relationships, and make some new friendships through the process. It has also given me the satisfaction and the comfort of knowing that I am helping our community. I’m not just taking from the community, I’m actually giving back to the community, and that is something that is important to me personally.” --Rich Rehmann, Hammonton, New Jersey
“For myself, the Heart & Soul project has been a huge boost in confidence in reaching out to people in our community that ordinarily I probably wouldn’t. I’m pretty much an introvert and like to hide out and do my thing behind the scenes, but this project has opened my heart and mind up to the things that we can do working together to build our community.” --Melanie Leaverton, Walden, Colorado